Poop Happens!

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Let’s tell the stinking truth! Poop happens to be good for plants (and if it doesn’t smell, it doesn’t work). We began to believe in this rich garden ingredient decades ago- dark, pungent Paydirt has been used at King’s for generations because, pure and simple, it makes flowers and vegetables thrive. There are lots of ways to enjoy the benefits:

Use it instead of potting soil to top off last season’s planter boxes. Add a layer 3-6″ inches thick before you plant practically everything- flowers, perennials, and edibles. It is much higher in nutrients, the kind that go directly into making your plants grow and take root. When you go to dig, make sure to mix it thoroughly into the existing soil at the root zone. If you’re planting citrus, trees or larger in-ground stuff, mix it 50/50 with the native soil. Good stuff!

Sprinkle some Paydirt lightly over newly-sown seeds to help them germinate, and dissuade birds from eating them. It will also help to ensure even moisture levels, and discourage weeds so the seedlings get a chance to take hold. Or make your own POTENT Paydirt tea! Let it steep a bit, then pour it on your garden- your plants will take a nutritious drink and LOVE it! Use it to mulch beneath your trees and roses; it’ll keep the weeds out and water in, while delivering a nitro boost of nutrition.

And yes, it does smell. But only for a little while…..Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

It is a great time, after all, to plant a whole new round of color and foliage. We’ve got loads of Paydirt ready to go, in addition to several other types of soil for various other projects- houseplants, succulents, etc. (plus winter-blooming shrubs and vines, cool season flowers, camellias and just about anything else you can think to plant). Pop by to get inspired- and get the garden rolling!

Got Citrus? We do!

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

‘Eureka’ lemon tree loaded with fruit

I’ve been collecting citrus trees in my garden these last few years, and I have to admit I’m hooked!

Along with fresh herbs, citrus fruit has become a staple at my house. I keep a large bowl on the table, with lemons, limes, oranges and the occasional grapefruit inevitably outnumbering the other seasonal offerings. Salads, drinks, cooking and baking can always use some fresh juice or zest, and I absolutely relish a good batch of lemon curd now and then…

You can have all kinds citrus in your garden, too. They’re fairly easy to grow, and there are so many different kinds that do well here. The flowers smell phenomenal, plus the ornamental value of glossy, evergreen leaves against the lush display of fruit is hard to beat.

Planting in containers is just fine (especially with semi-dwarf varieties, since they only top out between 8-12′). You can even graduate in container size as you go, as long as you end up in something about the size of a 1/2 wine barrel. Use Master Pride Potting Soil, or Recipe 420 Potting Soil, along with a nice starter fertilizer (like Master Start or Sure Start). In-ground plantings get started off right when you add plenty of rich Paydirt into the native soil, along with the fertilizer. For happy, productive plants, fertilize regularly (typically each month or so) with E.B Stone or Master Nursery Citrus Food . Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Home grown ‘Washington Navel’ oranges

We carry lots of citrus all through the year, and we make sure to grow the unusual varieties as well as the favorites. Here are a few of the coolest:

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Meyer lemons are the tastiest!

‘Meyer’ lemon– there’s a reason these are so popular; just one taste will tell you why. Full flavored, with a delightful balance between tart and sweet. Ultra productive, too, with year-round fruiting.

‘Bearss’ (or Persian) lime– Bigger, juicier, and more flavorful than the kind you’d find at the store, and I must say, this is the tastiest lime I’ve ever tried. Grows better in Sonoma County than any other lime.

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

young limes

Owari Satsuma’ mandarin- hardy and vigorous, with a bushier appearance than other citrus. Plentiful, snack-sized fruit.Kings Flower Nursery since 1896



For something different, try a few on the more exotic side:

‘Variegated Pink’ lemon– Clear/ pink flesh inside of green & yellow striped rind, with nice acidity. The foliage is downright gorgeous, with bold cream-colored splashes and bright pink new leaves.

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

variegated pink lemon leaves

‘Kieffer’ lime– the leaves are used in Asian cooking, as are the small bumpy limes. Deep purple-red new growth adds visual contrast amongst the green fruit.

Kumquat– Smaller than other citrus, Kumquats are unique in that the whole fruit is eaten; peel and all! Flavors range from tart to semi-sweet.

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Nagami Kumquat



You can plant any of these (and many more) right now, so come in and see our selection- there’s a lot to choose from!



2025 Roses are here!

Our inventory is changing daily, please call 707-542-4782 to ensure the rose you are after is still in stock.

Shrub Roses $49.99

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Abbaye de Cluny

Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

About Face


Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

All Dressed Up (Sold out)


Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Anna’s Promise


Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Angel Face

Floribunda, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Barbra Streisand

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Black Baccara (Sold Out)

Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Bolero (Sold Out)

Floribunda, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

California Dreamin’

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Chantilly Cream

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Cherries ‘n Champagne

Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Chicago Peace

Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896



Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Chris Evert

Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Cinnamon Dolce

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Cosmic Cloud

Large Shrub, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Distant Drum


Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Dolly Parton

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Doris Day

Floribunda, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Double Delight

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Dream Come True

Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Drop Dead Red


Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Easy Charmer

Grandiflora, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Easy Does It


Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Easy Spirit


Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Ebb Tide (Sold Out)

Floribunda, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Eleganza Fiji

Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Eleganza Grande Amore

Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Enchanted Peace

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

First Prize

Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Fragrant Cloud

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Fragrant Plum

Grandiflora, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Francis Meilland (Sold Out)

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

French Lace

Floribunda, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Frida Kahlo


Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Full Sail (Sold Out)

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Fun in the Sun (Sold Out)

Grandiflora, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

George Burns


Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Gina Lollobrigida

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896



Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Gold Medal

Grandiflora, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Good as Gold

Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Grande Dame

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Heavenly Scented

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Henry Fonda

Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Honor (Sold Out)

Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Hot Cocoa


Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Iceberg Shrub


Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Ingrid Bergman

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


Floribunda, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Julia Child

Floribunda, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Just Joey ( Sold Out)

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Ketchup & Mustard


Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Koko Loko


Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Lasting Love

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Life of the Party

Floribunda, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Love & Peace

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Make me Blush

Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Marilyn Monroe

Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Memorial Day

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Miss Congeniality


Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Miss Manners


Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Mister Lincoln

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Moonlight Romantica (Sold Out)

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Morning Glow

Floribunda, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Neil Diamond

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

New Zealand

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Oranges ‘n Lemons


Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Papa Meilland

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Parade Day

Grandiflora, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Perfect Moment

Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Perfume Delight

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Perfume Factory

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Picture Perfect

Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Pink Peace

Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Pop Art

Grandiflora, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Pope John Paul II (Sold Out)

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Pretty Lady Rose

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Princess Charlene de Monaco (Sold Out)

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Purple Tiger

Floribunda, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Queen Elizabeth


Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Queen Mary II

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Quest for Zest

Grandiflora, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Radiant Perfume

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Rio Samba

Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Rock ‘n Roll

Grandiflora, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Rouge Royale (Sold Out)

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


Floribunda, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Sexy Rexy


Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Sheila’s Perfume

Floribunda, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Silver Lining


Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Sparkle & Shine


Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

St. Patrick

Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Stainless Steel

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

State of Grace


Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Sterling Silver

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Strike it Rich


Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Sugar Moon

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Sunset Celebration

Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896



Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Sweet Madame Blue

Floribunda, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Tiffany (Sold Out)

Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Twilight Zone


Kings Flower Nursery since 1896



Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Veteran’s Honor

Hybrid Tea

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Violet’s Pride

Floribunda, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


Hybrid Tea, Fragrant

Climbing Roses $49.99

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Above All (Sold Out)

Climbing Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


Climbing Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Cecile Brunner

Climbing Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Cloud 10

Climbing Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


Climbing Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Don Juan

Climbing Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


Climbing Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

White Eden (Sold Out)

Climbing Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Fourth of July

Climbing Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Golden Opportunity (Sold Out)

Climbing Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Iceberg Climber


Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Joseph’s Coat

Climbing Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Lady in Red

Climbing Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

New Dawn (Sold Out)

Climbing Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Pearly Gates

Climbing Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Purple Splash

Climbing Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


Climbing Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Sally Holmes

Climbing Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Tropical Lightning

Climbing Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Zepherine Drouhin

Climbing Rose

24″ Tree Roses $69.99

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Angel Face

24″ Floribunda Tree Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


24″ Floribunda Tree Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


24″ Floribunda Tree Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Doris Day

24″ Floribunda Tree Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Drop Dead Red (Sold Out)

24″ Floribunda Tree Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Ebb Tide

24″ Floribunda Tree Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Frida Kahlo

24″ Floribunda Tree Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


24″ Floribunda Tree Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Julia Child (Sold Out)

24″ Floribunda Tree Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Ketchup & Mustard

24″ Floribunda Tree Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Morning Glow

24″ Floribunda Tree Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


24″ Floribunda Tree Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Sexy Rexy

24″ Floribunda Tree Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


24″ Floribunda Tree Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Violet’s Pride

24″ Floribunda Tree Rose, Fragrant

36″ Tree Roses $89.99

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Barbra Streisand

36″ Hybrid Tea Tree Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


36″ Hybrid Tea Tree Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Doris Day

36″ Floribunda Tree Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Double Delight

36″ Hybrid Tea Tree Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


36″ Hybrid Tea Tree Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


36″ Floribunda Tree Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Ingrid Bergman

36″ Hybrid Tea Tree Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


36″ Floribunda Tree Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Julia Child

36″ Floribunda Tree Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Just Joey

36″ Hybrid Tea Tree Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Ketchup & Mustard

36″ Floribunda Tree Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Memorial Day

36″ Hybrid Tea Tree Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Mister Lincoln

36″ Hybrid Tea Tree Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Neil Diamond

36″ Hybrid Tea Tree Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Picture Perfect

36″ Hybrid Tea Tree Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Pope John Paul II

36″ Hybrid Tea Tree Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Radiant Perfume

36″ Hybrid Tea Tree Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Rio Samba

36″ Hybrid Tea Tree Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


36″ Floribunda Tree Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Sugar Moon

36″ Hybrid Tea Tree Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Twilight Zone

36″ Grandiflora Tree Rose, Fragrant

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896


36″ Floribunda Tree Rose

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Veteran’s Honor

36″ Hybrid Tea Tree Rose

Combination 36″ Tree Roses $89.99

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Ebb Tide & Julia Child Combination (Sold Out)

36″ Floribunda Tree Rose, Fragrant

Sweet Daphne are Here!

It’s that time of year- fragrant Daphne are here!

We have lots of these old-fashioned beauties in stock right now!

I can’t get enough of the potently fragrant flower clusters, reminiscent of citrus blooms. Mmmmm- heavenly! I cut new bouquets every few days, putting them where the scent can be enjoyed the most. I’ll even bring some along when I go to visit friends and neighbors- perfect little hostess gifts.

Plant it in a spot that gets partial sun. Use Master Nursery Planting Mix straight out of the bag for containers, or mix it 50/50 with the native soil back into the hole. Don’t forget the Masterstart- it gets those roots growing quick.

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896There are more reasons to love this old-fashioned beauty than just the flowers:

Deer resistance. This is one plant that is reliably impervious to deer, regardless of where you live. Yay! No fences or sprays needed!

Drought tolerance. Not only is daphne tolerant of drought, but it prefers low water (especially in the summer months). Wow, no problem- I like to keep that water bill down.Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Evergreen. The glossy leaves are showy on their own, true green with nicely contrasting cream margins. Each leaf is somewhat different than the next, so you’ll see variations in the pattern of color. It really pops next to deeper tones- I have it against a dark wooden fence.

Daphne is a moderate grower, topping out at about 4’X4′ over time. It does well in a fair amount of shade, but also in a fair amount of sun, so where you plant will perhaps depend more on daphne’s water needs than the sun exposure. I have mine planted beside my front walkway, to best enjoy the delicious fragrance.

We have a great selection of nice and healthy daphne plants right now, so stop by.

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Hello, Gorgeous!

Fragrant Gardenias

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896It’s the best time for gardenias- the flowers are loving this weather….

I’ve always thought of the gardenia as the southern belle in my garden, loving the warm nights and summer heat so prevalent in the south. Visions of a flower-filled courtyard in the moonlight, a heady fragrance in the evening air. A lovely lady wearing one in her hair. A gentleman’s boutonniere.Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

These glossy evergreen shrubs are happy to grow here in our climate. A few things about gardenias worth mention:

-Get the grafted ones. They were originally developed for nematode resistance in the southern states, but it was discovered that grafted plants will utilize nutrients more efficiently, making them greener, more floriferous and vigorous.

– Food. Give them acid fertilizer monthly during the growing season from March – October, and you will be rewarded with many more flowers. (We use and recommend Master Nursery Gardenia food). You can also use a water-soluble fertilizer like Maxsea Acid Liquid food every 2 weeks.

– Plant them with acidic Master Nursery Planting Mix. It has great drainage, right out of the bag. Use it straight in containers, or mixed 50/50 with your native soil in the ground. While you’re at it, throw in your first dose of fertilizer.

-Flowers are most prolific when the nights are warm, so pick a nice warm spot. I like to put them near a walkwayKings Flower Nursery since 1896 or window to best enjoy the wonderful fragrance. And yes, I bring the flowers inside- how could you not?

We like to stock these plants most of the year, but now is the best time to see them in bloom. Once you smell those flowers….comeKings Flower Nursery since 1896 on by to see what I mean. Our staff is ready to tell you more if you have any questions.



Exotic Clematis

The vine of the times right now is clematis. Our customers will really be snatching these up!Kings Flower Nursery since 1896

Winding, twining, lacy tendrils adorned with masses of tropical-looking flowers. Clematis is one vine that gets noticed…..

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896We love the look of this when it’s allowed to clamber up through climbing roses, creating a bouquet effect with the two types of flowers blooming together. Try it spilling out of a hanging basket, where it can mound, cascade and wind upward all at once. Use it to fill up sections of chainlink fence for a spectacular ‘living wall’ of color, or guide it up a post for a fountain effect. Add even more ‘wow’ when you blend several colors and styles in the same area.

Grow clematis anywhere that you’ve got some sun. It’s happy in the ground or in containers, especially when there’s something planted beneath that will keep the roots nice and cool. The only maintenance it generally requires is once a year pruning; some types don’t even need that.Kings Flower Nursery since 1896 Provide the usual good drainage (as with most things you plant).

There are so many kinds available, most with large flowers- some can get 10″ across! We’ve got lots in stock right now, soon-to-be setting flowerbuds and ready to climb. Come check ’em out!

Kings Flower Nursery since 1896Kings Flower Nursery since 1896